Two series of experiments were carried out at saxha Agricultural ~esearch
Station during 2001 and 2002 seasons to study the effed of (oriar spray of Ihe
aqueous filtered solution resulling from SUpelllhosphate (15.5% P20S) 5%
concentration at start of flowering, start and peak of flowering, start a d end or
flowering, peak and end of flowering, end of flowering and start, peak a d end of
nower'lng stage on the earliness of cotton plants (Giza 86).
The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with four
replications. The results revealed that: strong vegetative cotton plants b~me more
sensitive for phosphorus apr:!lication. Alilreatments decreased Significantly final plant
height (em), leaf area (cm)2/planl and dry weight gJplant, and Increased ~umbef of
open bolls per plant, seed cotton yield per feddan, seed index, earliness percentage
and boll weighl, however lint percentage was not affected. Also, all treatments
increased signlflCanUy total earoohydrates, phosphorus conten( In cotton leaves.
However nitrogen up1ak.e an other hand Ihose Ireatments increased significantly seed oil content. However, seed
protein percentage was not affected.
In conetusic:m, sPfaying with 5% concentration superphosphal thr limes at
start. peak and end of flowering stage controlled the vegetative growth and aslenad
1he maturity of cotton plants.