The present study was carried out during two successive seasons of 1999-
2000 and 2000-2001. to compare between four cultivars of hoi pepper (Capsicum
annuum L.), viz. Bohemian, Cherry. Long-Red Cayenne. and Anaheim. The plants
were grown in loamy-sand soil in a greenhouse under drip irrigation system in the
Experimental Farm of the Desert Development Center, American University in Cairo
(DOC, AUC) in Sadat City. The obtainod results showed that cv. Bohemian was the
least in vegetative growth, however, with more branches. It produced more fruits
number but less fruit weight due to the size of the fruits in comparison to other
cultivars. This cultivar could be cultivated at higher planting density to compensate the
lower yield per unit area. Fruits of this curuvar cnaractertzed with minimum seed
numberlfruit and flesh thickness that may facilitate the dehydration process of this
type. They also dominated over the other cultivars regarding their contents of N, P, K,
Fe, Mg, Ca, and vitamin C that make this cultivar preferable from the nutritional point
of view. Also, this CtJltivar had the highest pungent content, it contained 1.70 to 1_86 %
of total capsaicinoids, and it might be preferable for the purpose of food and
pharmaceutical preparalions~ The cultivars Cherry, Long-Red Cayenne and Anaheim
showed total ~psaicil'lOids contents ranging between 0.52 and 1.26%. but much
higher yield of fruits. The prodUQtlvity and the pungency may affect the proper use of
the studied varieties for culinary, food processing, or pharmaceutical industty.