Two field experiments were carried out in the Experimental Farm of the
National Research Centre at Shalakan, Kalubia Govemorate, Egypt in the winter
seasons of 200012001 and 2001/2002. The objective of the experiments was to
investigate the effect of some weed control treatments (i.e. A. Early pre-planting :
Paraquat and hand hoeing, B. After planting: Butralin, Bentazon, Fluazifop-butyl,
SWalln + Bentazon, Butralin + Fluazifop-bl.1y1. 8entazon + fluazifop-butyl and one
hand hoeing) on growth, yield and yield components as well as chemical composition
and associated weeds of pea plants c:.J. Master 8. The most important results
obtaine.d from this study could be summarized as follows:
All weed control treatments significantly decreased fresh and dry weight of
broad-leaved, grasses and total weeds after 50 and 70 days from sowing. Hand
hoeing as early pre-planting weed control treatment gave the best control of broad-
leaved, grasses and total weeds of both seasons. Also, hand hoeing as after planting
weed control treatment recorded the highest decrease in fresh and dry weight of
broad-leaved and total weeds of both seasons. While, Fluazifop-butyl as after planting
weed control treatment recorded the lowest fresh and dry weight of grass weeds of
both seasons.
Hand hoeing as early pre-planting caused a signifICant increase in plant
height after 50 and 70 days from sowing, pod length, fresh weight of pod, number of
green pods/plant. weight of 100 green seeds, yield of green pods/plant, pod yield
(tonlfed) and chemical composition of pea seed in both seasons as compared with
both treatments. Whereas, Paraquat as early pre-planting treatment gave the highest
values of number of leaves/plant, fresh and dry weight of plant after 50 and 70 days
from sowing' and number of green seeds/pod when compared with hand hoeing and
unweeded treatments.
After planting treatments had significant effect on growth, yield and yield
components as well as chemical composition of pea seeds in both seasons. Hand
hoeing followed by that of Bentazon + Fluazifop-butyl as after planting exceeded other
The interaction between early pre-p/anling and after planting weed control
treatments had significant effect on some studied traits. Using hand hoeing as early
pre-planting and hand hoeing as after planting Ireatments produced the lowest fresh
and dry w.eight of total weeds after 50 and 70 days from sowing in both seasons as
well as produced the highest plant height and pod yield (ton/fed) of pea in both
seasons followed by that of using Paraquat as earty pre-planting and Bentazon +
Fluazifop-butyl as after planting weed control trealments as compared with other
treatments. While. application of Paraquat as early pre-planting and hand hoeing as
after planting treatment produced the highest number of green pods/plant in both