Two field experiments were carried out at Gemmeiza Agricultural Research
Station farm during 2000 and 2001 seasons to evaluate Ihe effect of nitrogen zinc and
boron on chtorophyll content grain yield and Its components as well as stover yield of
maize plant (lee mays. L.) C.v. Sc 10 . The most important results can be
surnmartzed as follows :-
1- Chlorophyll a.o , total chlorophyll content. yield components . (i. e . ear
length. ear weight. ear grains weight. number of grains and row. 100 - grain weight.
number . of ears I fed, ear yield ton I (ed ., grain yield ton I fed. and stover yield ton I
fed.) were I significantly increased by increasing rate of N - fertilizer up to 120 kg N
I fed.
2· Increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates up to 120 kg N I fed. significantly
increased nitrogen concentration and its uptake as well as proteln content .
3· Phosphorus and Potassium concentrations and its uptake were significantly
increased by applying 120 kg N J fed.
4- Zinc application at 20 kg zinc sulphate 1 fed. showed significant increase in
values of ear weighl . ear grains weight, number of grains I row. number of ears I fed
. ear yield ton I fed .. chlorophyll a.b, Phosphorus and Potassium concentration and
its uptake.
Application of 10 kg zinc sulphate I fed increased nitrogen concentration and its
uptake as well as protein content.
5- The effect of foliar boron application was nOI significant with the sludied
characters except number of ears I fed .slover , yield in the first season and number of
ears I fed .• in Ihe second one. as weJl as N .P . k concentration and its uptake.
From the aforementioned results it can be concluded that ,for high yield
production of maize nitrogen fertilizer and zinc sulphate must be applied at 120kg N
and 20kg zinc sulphate/feo.