Two pot experiments were performed at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food
Sciences, King Faisat University, Al-Hassa, during the two winter seasons of 200012001
and 2001/2002 to study the effect of three NaCI concentrations (5, 10 and 15 dSm") in
addition to the control (tap water) on growth, and yield of three canota cultivars, namely
.A.I·Serw4, AI-Serw 8 and Paclol. Factorial experiment laid out in randomized complete
block design with eight replicales was used. The main results revealed that wide
variations were found between canota cultivars in their tolerance to salinity, expressed
in the measurements of growth and yield readings. Al-Serw 8 was relatively more
lolerant to high salinity concentration, compared-with Pactol and AI-Serw4. Increasing
NaCI concentration in irrigation water resulted in marked reduction in a/l estimated
trails. Seed weighVplant was significantly affected by Ihe interaction between canota
cultivars and NaCI concentrations. The highest seed weight/plant was obtained from
the variety Pactol when irrigated with the lap water. Meanwhile, in case of high
concentrations of 10 and 15 dSm·I, AJ.Serw 8 was the high yielder one. Thus, it can be
recommended that Pactot cultivar was suitable in normal conditions and AI-Serw 8 in
case of salinity stress conditions of soil and irrigation water.