The (S4) of the cultivars, Prichard; Cal Rock; Beto 98; Ace 55 VF; Floradade;
Super strain B and Money Maker was obtained to be used in this study. 7x7 crosses
in a full diallel fashion were detected to determine gene action on some agronomic
traits, i.e number of flowers per cluster; number of flowers per plant, fruit weight, total
yield per plant, total soluble solids, and fruit pH.
The analysis of variances indicated that the differences among the
genotypes were highly significant. Test of validity (e) values was insignificant, this
finding confirmes the assumption of diallel analysis fashion. The regression coefficient
(b) between both variance Wr and Vr was insignificant indicating the presence of non
allelic interaction.
Dominance gene effects were important than additive for most traits except
total soluble solids and fruit pH influenced by additive and dominance effects.
Moreover, over dominance characterized all studied traits.
The proportion of positive and negative alleles were equally distributed
among the parents for the traits number of flowers per cluster and per plant as well as
total yield. The number of genes that affect the traits, ranged as their ascending order
from (0.14&- 0.158 - 2.330 - 4.066 - 4.092 - 4.271) for the total soluble solids; fruit
pH; fruit weight; total yield per plant; number of flowers per plant; and number of
flowers per cluster traits respectively. Moderate estimates of narrow sense heritability
were recorded for most agronomic traits except total soluble solids and fruit ph
showed low narrow sense heritability. The graphic analyses revealed that, over
dominance effects ply an important role in the inheritance of most traits. Money Maker
and Floradade parents had most dominant genes for most traits, while mo~t recessive
genes were detected by Prichard and Beto 98.