An experiment was carried out at the green house of horticulture and
Forests Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana'a University during two
successive seasons 2001 and 2002. The aim of this experiment was to study
the effect of different doses of ammonium sulfate fertilizer on the growth and
chemical composition of Coffea arabica seedlings (Odeini). The results can
summarize as follows:
The highest values of number of leaves , leaf area , fresh weight of
leaves per plant, dry weight of leaves per plant, fresh and dry weight of
stem and branches, fresh and dry weight of roots was produced from the
application of ammonium sulphate fertilizer at the rate of 0.125 gm I plant
in both seasons.
The highest values of plant height resulted from using ammonium
sulphate fertilizer at the rate of 0.250 gml plant in the first season and
1.000 gml plant in the second season. The highest values of number of
branches per plant produced from using ammonium sulphate fertilizer at
the rate of 0.500 gm I plant in the two seasons.
The highest values of stem diameter resulted from using ammonium
sulphate at the rate of 0.250 gm/plant in the first season and 0.500 gm I
plant in the second season.
The highest value of root length produced from application of ammonium
sulphate at the rate of 0.125 gml plant in the first season, 0.250 and
0.500 gm per plant in the second season.
The highest value of the nitrogen content in the leaves obtained from
application of ammonium sulphate fertilizer at the rate of 1.000 gm I plant
in the two seasons.
The highest value of total carbohydrates content in the leaves produced
from using ammonium sulphate at the rate of 0.250 gm I plant in the two