This investigation was carried out at Sakha and Gemmeiza Research
stations during the summer season of 2003 to evaluate the behaviour of twelve maize
genotypes received from Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research
Center, to determine the phenotypic, genotypic, environmental variations, heritability
in broad sense, genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation. Combined data
over the two locations indicated that average performance for grain yield ranged from
164.8 gm (r.W.C. 320) to 258.2 gm (S.C. 10). At the two locations and combined
data, plants of Oahab were earlier than the other genotypes in days to mid silk and
days tasseling ,Pioneer 3062 gave the highest number of rows/ear. S.C. 10 gave the
highest number of kernels/row, whereas, 8ashayer gave the highest weight of 100
kernel (gm) .Estimates of phenotypic ( ph), genotypic (g) and environmental variance
reached highest estimates concerning grain yield/plant (gm) and number of
kernels/row. Estimates of genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation revealed
high values in grain yield/plant (gm), number of rows/ear, number of kernels/row and
100 kernel weight (gm). Grain yield/plant (gm) and days to tasseling showed high
broad sense heritability estimates (over 80%).