The field experiments were conducted at Kafr EI-Wekala, Sherpin, Dakahlia
Governorate, Egypt during 2001 and 2002 summer seasons to study the effect of
different organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers and biofertilizer (EM,) on growth, yield
and root rot disease of eggplant. The results could be summarized as follows:-
Generally, using organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers and EM, biofertilizer resulted
in the highest results than using it without EM, biofertilizer. On the other hand, using
50% mineral fertilizer with 50% chicken manure exhibited the best results on growth
plant characters (stem length, No. of shoots, plant fresh and dry weights and total
yield followed by 50% mineral combination with 50% of other organic fertilizer
combinations (farmyard manure without litter, farmyard manure with litter and
compost, respectively). In the same time, the effect of organic fertilizers with or
without EM, biofertilizer, the highest results were by using 50% mineral fertilizer + 50
chicken manure (10%), followed by farmyard manure without litter (10-15%), then
tarrnyerc manure with litter (15-20%) and compost (20-25%). Using organic fertilizer
without EM, biofertilizer gave little results than using it with EM, biofertilizer, In the
same time, chicken manure gave the best results from high to low dose. Concerning
the effect of organic fertilizer with or without EM, biofertilizer on root rot disease
severity, the chicken manure gave the best effect followed by farmyard manure
without litter than farmyard with litter and compost when adding EM, biofertilizer than
without it. The total counts of soil-borne fungi in thousand colonies per one gram of
dried soil, the chicken manure gave the best effect than mineral fertilizer, farmyard
manure without .Iitter, farmyard manure with litter and compost, respectively. Adding
EM, biofertilizer to organic fertilizer gave best results than without it.