Two field experiments were conducted at experimental Farm of National
Research Centre at Nobarya during 1998 and 1999 seasons to study the effect of
some weed control treatments [unweeded - Hand hoeing - Fluroxypyr herbicide] and
foliar micro elements fertilization (Greensit and Stemifule) on growth, yield and its
components, chemical composition and associated weeds of maize plants.
The main results could be summarized as follows:
All weed control treatments alone or in combination with foliar fertilization
had significant effect on fresh and dry weight of maize weeds after 45 and 75 days
from sowing. The highest efficiency in decreasing fresh and dry weight of total weeds
was obtained by hand hoeing with Greensit or with Stemifule followed by Fluroxypyr
with Greensit or with Stemifule.
. All weed control treatments as well as both microelements fertilizer
treatments markedly increased growth characters of maize [plant height, No. of leaves
per plant, Fresh weight of plant and leaf area] yield and its components [number of
ears, ear length and diameter, No. of grains/row, weight of ear grains per plant,
weight of 100 grains and grains yield/fed. as well as chemical composition [oil %,
protein % and total carbohydrates %], Maximum values were obtained by hand
hoeing with Greensit or with Stemifule followed by Fluroxypyr with Greensit or with
Stemifule. On other hand, the lowest values were obtained by unweeded plants.