In vitro and in VIVO studies and proline analysis were carried out during 2002-
2003 seasons on two Egyptian cultivars of date palm (Zaghloul and Samani). The
aims of these studies were tested the tolerant to in vitro and in vivo saline conditions
in the two cultivars. the relationship between the proline content and the
tolerant to saline conditions in these cunivars.
Data revealed that all treatments of mercuric chloride gave the lowest
contamination percentages (0.0% in both cultivars) whilst the treatment of Clorox al
10% for 15 min, gave the highest contamination percentages (70% in Zaghloul and
80% in Samani). The lowest survival percentages in both cultivars were obtained by
the treatment of mercuric chloride at 0.1% for 10 min. The treatment of Clorox allO%
for 15 min. gave the highest survival percentage in borh cullivars (100% in Zaghloul
and Samani). while the treatment of mercuric chloride at 0.1% for 5 min. gave the
highest survival disinfected explant percentage (60% in Zaghloul and 70% in
Samani). Zaghloul cultivar was superior to Samani cultivar in averages of weight and
diameter of callus; number and lenglh of the roots from in vitro shoots and the
growth parameters in the acclimatization stage. On the other hend.Samani cultivar
was superior to Zaghloul cultivar in averages of number and length ot in vitro shoots
and growth parameters of in vitro embryos. The treatment of 7000 p.p.m. salts gave
the lowest weight and diameter of the callus, the lowest number and length of in vitro
shoots ; the lowest number and length of in vitro roots from in vitro shoots and the
lowest growth of in vitro embryos compared with untreat. In vivo study showed that
irrigation with solutions of 8000,9000 and 10000 ppm. salts gave the worest results
(growth parameters) in the acclimatization stage for the two studied cultivars
compared with the irrigalion with waler (control or untreat). There were reversely
proportional between concentration of the salts and the growth parameters of the two
studied cuftivars in either in vitro or in vivo conditions. Zagh/cul cultivar had more
proline content than Saman! cultivar and exhibited more tolerant to either in vitro or in
vivo saline conditions which reflected positive relationship between (he proline
contents and the tolerant to saline conditions in the two cullivars.