This experiment was carried out during the two successive seasons of 1999-
2000 and 2000-2001 in the unheated plastic house of the Vegetable Crops
Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University. Transplants for sweet pepper
(Capsicum annuum L. cv. Bruyo hybrid) were arranged In 3 replicates using split-plot
design. The treatment of preplanting NPK soil addition was stablished in the main
plots and 5 NPK fertigation levels in the sub-main. Generally, it can be observed that
plant hleght and total leaf area showed higher Significant increases with the third
fertigation level (100kg. NH~N~+ SOkg H,pO~+ 60kg K2S0~/plastic house, 540 m').
Meanwhile, number of leaves as well as dry weights of roots, stems and leaves
recorded the highest significant increases with the fifth fertigation level (1 SOkg
NH"N03+ 75kg H3PO~ + 90kg ~S04) in both seasons. In addition, the third
fertigation level showed higher significant increases for early and total yield except,
early yield In the second season. Also, concentrations of N and Fe showed significant
increases by fifth fertigation level in leaves tissue. Furthermore, the same fertigalion
level combined with preplanting NPK soil addition increased significantly
concentration of Pb in leaves. Howeover, no constant trend could be detected in Ni
concentrations between treatments. As regard fruit quality; fruit length, width and size
as well as ascorbic acid no signifICant differences among treatments were recorded.
However, total acidity and total soluble solids were increased significantly with
increasing fertigation level in both seasons. Also, fruits tissue showed higher
concentrations for N, P and K by NPK preplanting soil addition combined with the fifth
fertigation level. Furthermore, fruit concentration of Fe and Zn recorded significant
increases by increasing fertigation levels. In addition, preplanting NPK soil addition
combined with the fifth fertigation level showed the lowest value of Pb concentration
in fruits tissue. Moreover, concentration of Ni showed no significant differences
among treatments. Furthermore, nitrate concentration was increased significantly by
increasing fertigation levels, vice versa for total sugars. However, the concentrations
of Pb and nitrate accumulation in sweet pepper fruit still less than the critical limits
permitted to be found for human consumption.