Both oaclobutrazot (PACLO) and the high levels 01 NaCI (2000 and 4000 ppm)
caused a significant decreased In plant heigh!. In addition, the high levels of NaCI
decreased number of branches as well as shoot (resh and dry weights. White. Ihe
lower level of NaCI {1000ppm).and PACLO led to an Increase in this respect
Conceming the photosynthetic pigments It was found that the increase In sou
salinity level led to a decreased In all photosynthetlc pigments, while the lower level
(1000ppm) and PACLO caused an Increase In this respect.
On the other hand, plants growing under 8aHnity conditions showed a decrease
In the essential 011 oercentace as well as Its yield par otant. White, Spraying
chamomile plants with PACLO caused an increase In this respect.
As for the receptacle structure data show (hal the low levet 01 salinity
(t OOOppm) and PACLO levels increased the receptacle diameter due to the Increase
In ground tlssue thickness and number of vascular bundles. In addition to an increase
in number and diameter 01 oil ducts. On the other hand . the high sannity levels
caused B decreased In this respect.
Generally, the apollcatlon of PACLO, partJ~lIy overcame the depressIng effect
of file high level of NaCI salinity In most of the previous parameters. However, PACLO
at 50 ppm proved 10 be more effective in this respect