Two field trials were conducted on garlic clone Sids·40, in Ihe vegetable private
farm at Kafr Meet Faris, Oakahlia Governorate. during 2000/2001 and 200112002
seasons to study the effect of application methods of K·fertilizer (soil application.
folfar application and 50% soil application + foliar), either single andlor in combination
with mixed of mlcronutnents (Fe, Ze and Mn) at 0, 150 and 300 ppm as a foliar
application at 60, 90 days after planting on plant growth, yield and its components. as
well as chemical constituents and storabiUty of bulbs.
Almost all the parameters of the garlic plants received K·fertilizer as a 50% soil
application + foliar application significantly increased as compared with other
application methods. Beslde~. the most interesting observation was the increasing of
the slarability by application KJO as 50% soil application + foliar application followed
by soil apptlcatlon In both seasons. On the other hand, foliar application of
micronutrlent at 300 ppm caused significant increases in plant height, number of
leaves, shoot dry weight and bulblng ratio as well as total yield and bulb weight and
diameter. Moreover, this treatment significantty Increased COncentration of TSS, N. p,
K and micronutrients (Fe, Zn and Mn) in cloves comparing with those of the plants of
the other treatments. However, weight loss percent of bulbs was signiflcanlty reduced
during the storage period at 90 and 120 days. The combined treatments of K20
app/lw.tion methods and micronutrients levels were generalty more offective than with
single ones. The best results were obtained by using ~O as 50% soil application +
foliar applicatlon with foliar application of micronutnents at 300 ppm. Therefore, this
treatment could be recommended for raising gariic yield and improving bulb quality
during the storage period as well as lowering the productive cost under similar
conditions to this work.