Two pol experiments were carried Qui during two successive seasons 2000
arid 2001 to inlJBstigale ths effecl or organic fertilizer (8iogreen) at Ii1ree rates: 5, 10
and 15 m)!1ed. wllh or wilhovt biofer1illzar i(l()culation (namely: AzobaC1er crococcum;
Atoscuitiur» bresltease and Beduus polymY:V8) it1 comparison wilh lhe recommended
dose or NPK (control) on growtn. yield and chemical cornpo sition o( marjoram pfants.
Data obtained dearly revealed lhat plants treated with the highe:it revet of compost
(15 m1 I fed.) euher alone o( Inoculated with mixture or biolerjjllzers recorded a
considerable increments with regard to growth characters. rnacronutrients.
phytohormone!!: (IAA, GAl, and CK) and essential all components: ( a-terpineol. 0-
terpenolens, Lnaloot. Geraniol, Cineole. Unalyl acetate and Citroneuol). In addition,
lhesignificant InClEJ.a$eSWefe 15.B, 19.9 and 14.4%fol herb Ire-shweight (g/plant)
and 198, 16.9 and 14.7% for herb dry weight [g/planl) in first. second and third
cuttings, respecilvety. as well as essential oil percentage (25 % .25% and 28 % in the
three curtmgs. rescecuvely ) and 011 yleld/DIMI ( 44 %. 52% and 47 % in the three
cuMings. respectJvety ) In fresh herb al the highest compost level as compared La lhe
conuot ueatrnent Also marjoram plants wtlich received lhe highest tevel of compost in
combination with blolertili2er mixture siQI1ificanily surpassed the control plants in herb
fresh waight (g/ptant) by 22. 1 29.' and 32.' % and herb dry weight (g/planl) by 25,
32.6 and .\.{)% in first. SOCQnd and INrd cuts, resoecuvetv, as well as Ihe essential oil
percenlage by 38%, 38 % and 40% In lhe three cuttings. respectively and oil yield per
plant by 69 %, 79"/0 and 9' % in the thr~ cuttings. respectively. On Ihe othe1' hand.
the present data disclosed that nearly lhe same mariorarn fresh and dry weighl
(g/plant) as well as essentlal oil percentage and 011 yield per plant of the coouol planl
could be obtained if marjoram plants received the lowest arid madera Ie rates of
compost fertilizer alone or combined wilh biofertilizers mixture. These fIndings clearly
Indicate that organic fertilizers (8iogreeo) and biofertilizers mixture could replace the
application of mineral fertJlizers and consequently minimize ine pollution 01 Ihe
a9 ncultural environment.