Thilly one le.?1 rust monogenic lines ot wheal (Lr's) were evaluated lor ine«
rp.Slstance under B rtir:cial field condilion I r 4 years ( 2000 - 2003 ) at GemmaizJ
Rc 'ie;!(C!) S~rHlon. The tested L r genes w ere varied greatly in disease s everity but
remained constant over the four years. They divided inlO lour groups based on tnelr
raactlons . Genes Lr 9, Lr18, Lr19, Lr 21, Lr 38, Lr 42 and Lr 43 were highly resistant.
l.r za. Lr 2ll, Lr 20, Lr 25. LJ 28, Lr 3.(). Lr 34, Lr 36 and Lr 39 showed a moderate
resistance response with a verage c oenrclcnt 0 f InfecUon (ACI) values less than 10
and !ow values 01 area under disease proqrcss CUNa (AUDPC) . Genes Lrl 1, Lr 12 ,
l r 13, l.I27, LJ32 and Lr3J showed lower sus cptible responses, while the other ksled
Lr genes, Lr 1, Lr 2c, Lr3. Lr 3bg, Lr 3Xd, Lr 10, tr 14a and Lr14b were hIghly
s sccpuble. T c rest, ts showed highly positive valuer of Pt,::son corrcianon
coefficient (r,) bct.veen :ht:' four years oara with 10 0.987. OI~(:rlSti severity ( OS) and are] under ti;:\I''lse proqress curve (AU .PC)
were highly corrcl: ted and seemed 10 be good estimators lor msistancc: ,