Pot experiments were conducted during the two growing seasons of 2001 and
2002, at the Fac. Agric., Minia Univ. to overcome the inhibitory effect of saline
irrigation water on growth, nodule formation and chemical components of Albizzia
lebbek, L. seedlings grown in sandy soil . Biogen , genistein and vapor gard
treatments were used for this purpose . Three saline irrigation water treatments
contained 3000, 6000 and 9000 ppm of NaCI and CaCI2 mix1ure (1:1 ratio by weight)
as well as tap water (as control) were used. The treatments for saline resistance
were, biogen at 3g Ipot, genistein at 20 M, vapor gard at 3% , biogen at 3g Ipot +
genistein at 20 M, biogen at 3g Ipot + vapor gar gard 3%,as well as, untreated control . The, obtained results showed that salinity
reduced all plant growth characters, plant chemical composition and nodule formation.
The depression effect was increased as salinity level increased from 3000 to 9000
ppm. All chemical treatments had an advantage effect over untreated plants under
normal or saline conditions. Biogen, mixed to the soil, improved the grOl'lth
performance and chemical composition of both salt-affected and unaffected plants,
particularly in soils treated with genistein. The artitranspirant, vapor gard, showed a
positive effect under normal or saline conditions in comparison with untreated plant.
As plants growth, chlorophyll contents and chernical composition were increased with
application of vapor gard. Therefore, incorporating the genistein with the Rhizobium
containing biofertilizer (biogen) or vapor gard as an antitranspirant may be considered
as a promising treatment that can be used to alleviate the adverse eHect of salinity.