Two field experiments were carried out during the two successive tall (nih)
seasons of 2003/2004 and 200412005 on potato cv. Spunta at Abou Awad village.
Aga, Dakahlia Governorate, to study the influence of organic manures (farmyard
biogas and chicken), and mineral fertilizers NPK at the recommended rates ted. in
alone and/or combined application, on growth. yield and quality of potato crop.
The results revealed that addition 50% ot chicken manure combined with 50%
mineral fertilizers (NPK) gave the highest values of vegetative growth characteristics
(plant height. number of main stems/plant, chlorophyll content and foliage fresh and
dry weight (%) at 75 days after planting (DAP), total tubers yield tifed , number of
tubers/plant, tubers average weight, tubers dry matter (%) and specific gravity at
harvest in both seasons -,
Application of mineral fertilization at recommended full rates of NPK gave the
highest content of NPK in leaves at 75 DAP and tubers at harvesting in both seasons
On the other hand, the lowest content of nitrate (ppm) in tubers was obtained from
plants received farmyard manure alone.
Therefore, organic manure must be used as a substitute for chemical fertilizers
requirements in potatoes production especially for exportation and also, reduce the
risks of environmental pollution.
Two field experiments were carried out during the two successive tall (nih)
seasons of 2003/2004 and 200412005 on potato cv. Spunta at Abou Awad village.
Aga, Dakahlia Governorate, to study the influence of organic manures (farmyard
biogas and chicken), and mineral fertilizers NPK at the recommended rates ted. in
alone and/or combined application, on growth. yield and quality of potato crop.
The results revealed that addition 50% ot chicken manure combined with 50%
mineral fertilizers (NPK) gave the highest values of vegetative growth characteristics
(plant height. number of main stems/plant, chlorophyll content and foliage fresh and
dry weight (%) at 75 days after planting (DAP), total tubers yield tifed , number of
tubers/plant, tubers average weight, tubers dry matter (%) and specific gravity at
harvest in both seasons -,
Application of mineral fertilization at recommended full rates of NPK gave the
highest content of NPK in leaves at 75 DAP and tubers at harvesting in both seasons
On the other hand, the lowest content of nitrate (ppm) in tubers was obtained from
plants received farmyard manure alone.
Therefore, organic manure must be used as a substitute for chemical fertilizers
requirements in potatoes production especially for exportation and also, reduce the
risks of environmental pollution.