A factorial experiment was carried out in tissue culture laboratory,
Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research center during the two successive
2002 and 2003 seasons to find out an ideal method of propagation through tissue
culture technique. In this concem, shoot tips and nodal segments of 0.8 - 1.0 cm in
length were prepared from mature Mulberry trees. After sterilization, the explants were
initiated on Bs, MS and WPM media at the strength of full; half and quarter The three
media were supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IBA; 1.0 mg/L BA. After four weeks, MS
medium gave the best survival percentage and growth parameters, full strength media
proved to be the more suitable for the three measurements (survival %, shoot length
and number of leaflets). Shoot tips surpassed nodal explants during two seasons of
study. On the other hand, nodal cuttings which cultured in quarter WPM medium had
the lowest value in this concem. The newly formed shoots were transferred to the
same media supplemented with either BAP; Kinetin or 2ip at the concentration of 2, 4
or 6 mg/L through proliferation stage. Full strength MS medium supplemented with 2
mg/L SAP was the superior and had the greatest number of shoots. While the reverse
was true with kinetin at 6 mg/L to full strength of B5, MS and WPM media. Micro-
shoots were rooted in the same half strength media with or without activated charcoal
and supplemented with either IBA at the concentrations of 2,4,6 mg/L or NAA at the
concentration of 1, 2, 3 mg/L or combination of both at 4 mg/L IBA and 2 mg/L NAA.
The plantlet grown on MS medium with activated charcoal supplemented with 6 mg/L
IBA gave the highest value of rooting % and number of roots. Meanwhile, adding 4
mg/L IBA to half strength MS medium with activated charcoal proved to be the most
effective in increasing the root length. On the other hand, the least value of rooting %
were coupled to the charcoal omitted WPM supplemented with 1 mg/L NAA. While,
the least number of roots/plantlet was found by charcoal omitted half strength WPM
provided with IBA at 2 mg/L. In addition, the half strength MS rooting medium
supplemented with IBA 2 mgl IBA without activated charcoal showed the shortest
rootlet. The plantlet produced from the best treatment of each media during the
rooting stage were transplanted in (300 ml) plastic pots containing autoclaved
vermiculite, peatmoss and sand mixture by volume (1:1:1) as transplanting medium.
The plantlets produced from MS medium with activated charcoal supplemented with 6
mg/L IBA recorded the highest survival %, shoot length and number of leaves during
two seasons of study. While plantiets cultured in half strength WPM with activated
charcoal supplemented with 6 mg/L IBA had the lowest value in this respect the least
value of rooting % were coupled to the charcoal omitted WPM supplemented with 1
mg/L NAA. While the least number of roots Iplantlet was found by half strength WPM
supplemented with IBA at 2 mg/L. In addition, the half strength MS rooting medium
supplemented with 18A 2 mg/L without activated charcoal showed the shortest