Two field trials were carried out at Sids Agricultural Research Station Bein
Suef govemorate during 2002 /2003 and 2003/2004 seasons to estimate the relative
contributions between yield and its components for faba bean (Giza 2) as affected by
different densities (27, 33, 40 plantlm2). The used statistical procedures were simple
correlation, multiple regression and stepwise regression analysis . The third density
(40 plantlm2) recorded the highest mean compared with 33 and 27 plant/rn" for piant
height. On the other hand, the first density 27 plant/m" recorded the highest means for
weight of 100 seeds and weight of seeds/plant. Results for combined analysis
presented significant difference between years and seed yield/plant, plant height and
number of pods. The interaction between years and plant populations were
significant for number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod. On the other hand,
this relation was not significant for other traits and this result indicated that some
characters were more affected by environmental conditions than others. Correlation
coefficient values cleared highly significant positive correlation between seed yield
/plant, and No. of pods and weight of 100 seeds for first density. Also highly
significant positive correlation was found between seed yield/plant and plant height ,
number of branches and weight of 100 seed for second density. Results also cleared
highly significant positive correlation between seed yield/plant and plant height and
No. of pods for third density. The relation between seed yield is changing with
change plant densities. Multiple regression analysis results recorded 77.7%, 92.9%
and 97.8 % for 27, 33 and 40 plantlm2 from the total variation of seed yield/plant,
respectively. Stepwise regression analysis accepted weight of 100 seeds and plant
height with R2 being 30.8% and 35.3% in 27 plantlm2, plant height, weight of 100
seeds, No. of pods and No. of branches with relative contributions (R') of 65.7% ,14.8
% ,6% and 5.7 % in 33 plantlm2 and selected plant height and No. of pods with
relative contributions of 81.7 % and 10.1 % in 40 plantlm2 from the total variation of
seed yield /plant , respectively . These results also indicated that the variables which
having contributions were changing with change plant densities.