This investigation was carried out during 2000 end 2001 seasons on
Chemlali trees grown in a sandy soil, to Tltudy the effect of d'ltterent doses of
ammonium nitrate and potassium sulphate on lear mineral content, leat
carbohydrate content. fruit set percentage. yield and fruit quality. The results could be
summarized as follows:
Treated trees with (1.5 Kg ammonium nltrate « 1 Kg potassium sulphate) T~,
or (2Kg ammonium nltrate « 0.5 kg potassium sulphate) T6 and (2 Kg ammonium
nitrate .•. 1 Kg potassium sulphate) T, gave a significant increment in leat nitrogen
content, fruit weight I tree (kg), no. of nowers per inflorescence and rruit length in both
seasons as wefl as increased flesh weight and flesh percent in the first and in the
second seasons for leaf potassium content. The concentration of leaf phosphorus.
non reducing sugars and tola\ sugars in both seasons as welJ as total carbohydrates
in the first season were not artected by soil applications.
Yet added (2 Kg ammonium nitrate .•. 0.5 Kg potassium sulphate) T6 and (2
Kg ammonium nitrate+ 1 Kg potassium sulphate) T, significantly increased fruit set
%, oil % in the fruit nesh and moisture % in both seasons.
The results al"o indicated that T4 (1.5 Kg ammonium nitrate'" 0.5 Kg
potassium sulphate}, T, ' T 6 and T 7 increased both leat reduc'lng sugars. starch in
both seasons as well as increased nesh weight. nesn % and total carbohydrates in the
second season. Likewise, all soil applications. except Tl (1.0 Kg ammonium nitrate .•.
0.5 kg potassium sulphate) significantly increased fruit weight, leaf and fruit nitrate.