This study is dealing with the phytodiversity under some ecosystems of EI.
Sheikh Zuwied area (north Sinai). This study were carried out during the two annuals,
2002 and 2003.
They were found 23 spp, In different sites, 10 of them were annual plants and
13 were perennials, the later group contained 6 species of shruppy woody and 7 were
perennial herbs (Rup < /em>pia metitime, Cardana draba, Thyme/aea tursute, Tsmetix
aphyl/a, Lyc;um europaem, Solanum elaeagnifolium. Caalligonum comosum,
Frankenia revoluta, Silene succulenta, Achillea fragrantissima, Arlemisia monsperma,
Arlactylis carduus and Sphaeranlhu abyssinicus), (Chenopodium mura/e, Salsol kali,
Convolvulus sicutus, Malva parviflora. Spergula fallax, Mesembryanlhemum
nodinorum. Chrysanthemum coronarium. Avena saliva, Hordeum·/eporinum and
Schism us barbalus).
Under inland plateau, sits 1, 2 and 3. during Spring season, the perennials
were 2, 7 and 7 respectively, but during Autumn, it was found 2, 3 and 2 species only.
AI Ihe same time, it was found, 5. 5 and 4 annual species during Spring respectively.
as well as 2. 1 and one during Autumn.
This sUNey may be lead to found suitable conservation of such natural plants,
as the heavy collections of woody shrups may lead to minimized the phytodiversity in
this location districts and extreme grazing may also lead to the same effect.
The study must be extended not only to found the suitable conservation ot
such phytodiversity but also to increase this diversity.
The absence of many plant species in some sites and during the drought
seasons may be related to extreme collections o( woody plants or \0 the h~avy
grazing of annual plants.
It was found 6 perennials under subcostal sand dunes (site 4) during Spring
season and 3 during Autumn. but under the conditions of coastal plain (sile 5), the
perennial were 6 and 5 during Spring and Autumn respectively. Under coastal sand
dunes it was found two and three species of annuals during Spring and Autumn, while
these species were 4 and 2 during Spring and Autumn under the conditions of coastal
plain (site 5). These fendings indicated great vartauons between the tested sites and
examined seasons of the phytodiversety. The vegetation analysis was discussed