Two field experiments were conducted a\ \he agricultural research station in
North Sinai Governorate during the two seasons of 2003 and 2004 ths aims of this
study was optimizing nitrogen fertilization utilization and preferable nitrogen dose add
to intercropping peanut (Giza 5) with maize (S.C.10) under two planting systems; bed
and ridga. Sex doses or nitrogen were added to both crops i.e., 40 kgNlfed.
(recommended nitrtlgen dose tor solid peanut in desert), 125 kg N/fed (recommended
nitrogen dosa for solid maize). 145 kg Nlfed. (recommended nitrogen dose for maize
+ 10'2 recommenced ni1rogen dose of peanut). 102.5lc.QNlfad (recommended nitrogen
dose of peanut + 10'2 recommended nitrogen dose of maize). 82.5 kg Nlfed , (1(1
recommended nitrogen dosa of both crops), 165.0 kgNlftld. (recommended nitrogen
dose of both crops tog ather), and two recomme.'lded doses for both solo crops (125
kgNtted. for maize and 40 kgN/fed. for peanut in the sandy soil). Split plot design in 4
replications was used. The main plots were devoted to planting systems and the sub-
plots were devoted to nitrogen doses. Peanut was planted on all the ridges on one
~ide and on 'he beds on both sides in hills et plantslhill. the plant densities of both ot ridge and bed systems were 140,000
plentslfed. Maize was planted on the other sioe of \he ridge in hills at distances 30 ern,
plant thinned on one plantlhill end left one ridge free, while In bed systems maize wes
planted in the middle 0' the bed at same distances of rid~es. the plant'S ware thinned
on two plantslhill. Maize plant densities In both systems ware 23200 plantslfed. The
main results obtained from this study could be summarized as follows:
1· The 'nighest peanut yield was obtained when planted on ridges, while maize gave
highest grain yield when planted on bed&.
2· The highest peanut yieldffed was obtained by fertilizabon with 102.5 kgNlfed. The
other traits studied behaved the same wey except plant height which gave the
longest plants at 165 kllNlfed, while maiZe crop 9a~e the highest grtlin yield when
nitrogen rate at 145 kgNlfed was used, the other characters under study took the
same trend except plant height which gave the longsst plant at nitrogen rate '65
kgNlfed. In both crops lowest yieldS 'Alera obtained at nitrogen rete of 40 kgtfed.
3- The best economical yield from peanut and maize mey obtained by nitrogen
fertilizer 11)'181145 kgNlfed.
4· It could be recommend that ror maximiZing total intercropped yield per unit area
from peanut by planting on (idge or maize by planting on I::;; of 145 kg Nll'ed under the environmental condition of sandy soil.