The effect of sucrose pulsing. three harvesting stage and preservative solutions
on the post harvest of cut- tuberose spikes were investigated twice in September of
2001 and 2002. Vase life was assessed daily under laboratory conditions 2so±2 cc.
65 ± 5% relative humidity and 12 h light under cool white fluorescent lamps (500 ±
100 lux). The maximum open florets % was recorded at (300 ppm 8HOC +3 %
sucrose) after pulse pre-treatment in 20 % sucrose solution for 24 h in the third
harvest stage (frve open florets) in the second and first seasons respectively. The
minimum open florets % was recorded in the control treatment of un-pulsed pre-
treatment in the first harvest stage (1 open floret) in the first and second seasons
respectively. The maximum shattered florets % was recorded in Ihe treatment of (300
ppm SHOC "'3 % sucrose + 1% clorox) of un-putsed pre- treatment in the first harvest
stage (1 open floret) in the first and second seasons respectively, followed by the
control treatment of un-pulsed pre- treatment in the first harvest stage (1 open floret)
in the second and first seasons respectively. The minimum shattered florets % was
recorded in the treatment of (300 ppm 8HOC +3 % sucrose) followed by 3 % sucrose
of the pulsed pre- treatment in the third harvest stage (5 open florets) in the second
season. The maximum vase life (14.3, 13.8 days) were recorded in the treatments of
(300 ppm SHaG +3 % sucrose + 1% ciorox) of the pulsed pre- treatment in the third
harvest stage (5 open Oorets) in the second and first seasons respectively, followed
by the treatment of (300 ppm 8HOC +3 % sucrose), closely followed by 3 % sucrose
of the pulsed pre- treatment in the third harvest stage (5 open florets) in the second
season The minimum vase life was noted in the control treatment of un-pulsed ore-
treatment in the first harvest stage (1 open floret) in the first and second seasons
respectively. Solution uptake of tuberose spikes were improved by all treatments.
however, the differences among treatments were not significant. It is suggested that
the spikes should be cut in the third harvest stage (5 open florets), ore- treated with
20% sucrose for 24 h and followed by a treatment of 300 ppm 8HOC + 3 % sucrose +
1% Ciorox. These conditions can improve tuberose vase life and floret opening
through improving the water balance.