This study was carried out during two successive seasons 2001 and 2002 on
Flame Seediess grapevines grown at a private orchard in Wadi El Faregh Giza
govemorate to evaluate fruit quality during storage after the application of live thinning
methods ( GA; at 30 PPM 1+ hand thinning — 6A3 at 30 PPM + thinning by cutting back
about 25% from the apical portions of cluster - GA: at 30 PPM + thinning by cutting
back about 33% from the apical portions of cluster GA; at 30 PPM + thinning by
removing about 20% from clusters number + shaving - 0A3 at 30 PPM + thinning by
removing about 30% from clusters number + shaving . used after fruit set . Grape
clusters were harvested at maturity stage and stored at room temperature at 25-30 C0
and 40-45% RH. and cold storage at no“ and 90—95% RH...
Thinning methods improved physical properties of clusters (weight loss. decay
percentage berry shattering percentage and firmnes) and chemical properties (T88.
acidity. Tssracid. total anthocyanin. total sugar and total amino acids). The data
revealed that thinning by combined treatment of GA? at 30 PPM + cutting back about
25% from the apical portions of cluster decreased weight loss. decay percentage.
acidity and berry shattering percentage, while increased firmness. TSS. TSSIacid.
total anthocyanin, total sugar and total amino acids. .