The present investigation was carried out during the two successive seasons of 2002 and 2003 on mature trees of Canino, Amal and Perfection three apricot cultivars. The pollination treatments used in this study were as follows:(1-)Open pollination. (2-) Bagging only. (3-) Cross-pollination as follows:-(A) Perfection (♀) X Canino (♂).(B) Perfection (♀) X Amal (♂).(C) Perfection (♀) X {Canino♀Amal} (♂).The results obtained could be summarized as follows: Canino and Amal cultivars succeed to give higher than 20% fruit set after Bagging only treatment. While, Perfection cultivar produced lower than 2% fruit set in the two seasons of study. Thus, Canino and Amal are considered self-compatible (fertile) cultivars. While, Perfection is considered self-incompatible (sterile) cultivar.Canino and Amal cultivars produced higher percentages of fruit set with open pollination than that of bagging only treatment. In addition, cross-pollination for Perfection cultivar by Canino pollen grains produced higher percentage of fruit set. While, the cross-pollination by Amal pollen grains gave lower percentage of fruit set than those of the rest pollination treatments in the two seasons of study. Open pollination treatment for Canino and Amal cultivars produced higher percentages of retained (mature) fruits than bagging only treatment. While, the cross-pollination for Perfection by Canino pollen grains produced higher percentages of retained (mature) fruits than those of the other pollination treatments. No retained (mature) fruits were obtained after bagging only treatment in the two seasons of study for Perfection cultivar. Pollen fertility tests either by staining or germination showed that there were no significant differences among three cultivars in their pollen fertility rates. As a result of cytological studies, one might conclude that the Perfection apricot cultivar was cytological stable and their pollen grains fertility was high.