Two field experiments were conducted at East Owinat (22o 18̀ N latitude and 28o 45̀ E longitude) during consecutive summer seasons of 2002 and 2003. This study aimed to evaluate some soybean genotypes grown under new reclaimed lands at East Owinat and to study the relationship among yield components which help for further selection in this location.
Results showed that, Patty, Dekabig, Sapporo, Osaka, Giza 82 and Giza 83 genotypes were significantly flowered and matured earlier than the other genotypes. Plants of Giza 111, Giza 21, Giza 22, L 12,H32 and L 20 genotypes were significantly taller than the other genotypes. The highest number of branches/plants were obtained by DR 101 and Toano genotypes . Giza 111 produced the highest number of pods and seeds/plant followed by Giza 22, Giza 21, L 12, L 17, L5, Giza 35 and Crawford genotypes. Giza 111 had heaviest seed weight/plant and weight of 100 seeds, followed by Giza 22, L 17, L 12, Giza 21, L5 and crawford genotypes .
As for seed yield/fed, Giza 111 was the greatest, being slightly higher than Giza 22, L 12, Giza 35, Giza 21, L 17 and Crawford. It could be recommended for new reclaimed land of E. Owinat because they a high yielding and resistant to cotton leaf worm. Growing these new genotypes would increase production costs and reduce environmental pollution through avoiding or minimizing the use of insecticides in soybean fields.
Seed weight/plant was positively and significantly correlated with days to maturity, plant height, number of branches, pods and seeds/plant and weight of 100 seeds. Factor analysis grouped seven variables of soybean into two main factors accounted for 91.19 % of the total variability of the dependence structure. Factor I accounted for 50.92 % and included number of pods and seeds/plant, plant height and weight of 100 seeds. Factor II was responsible for 40.27 % of the total variation and contained days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity and number of branches/plant.