During two successive seasons (2003-2004) and (2004-2005), pea seeds of
two cultivars, Master B and Lincoln, were soaked under 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004
sodium azde concentrations for one, two and three hours for each concentration. Split
split plot design with four replicates was used, The result were as follow:
The first season (20034004)
1. Vegetative characters:
In the first generation (Mi )of Master B cultniar. 0.002 concentration of
sodium azide for one hour gave the highest significant values (93.75%, 68.38cm,
21.55 and 3.26) with increasing 15.88% , 82.69% , 57.07 , and 100.87°/e) over the
parent Master B for germination ratio, Plant height , number of leaves and branches
per plant , respectively, while 0.004 concentrahon for two hours decreased number of
leaves and branches by 21.87% and 22.58°/e. The same dose but for three hours
reduced both germination ratio by 17.52% and 14.01% for plant height.
In Lincoln M1 generation, 0.002 concentration for two hours gave the highest
values of germination ratio (94.783'o), plant height (98.13cm), and 4.88 for number of
branches per plant. Inseasing the time of soaking to three hours, same concentration
gave (24.40) as the highest significant number of leaves, with increase 12.39%,
50.21%, 64.53% and 92.89% for vegetative characters, respectively. The depression
under 0.004 concentration for three hours was 17.48%. 23.91%, 24.48% and 63.21%
for the same characters, respectively.
2 Yield and it's components
In Master B, M, generation, 0.001 sodium azide concentration for two hours
gave the highest significant values (25.67) for number of pods, (205.18) for number of
seeds and 430.11(g) for yield of green pods per plant with an increase 144.94%,
1 74.67% and l48.76% for the same characters, respectively. Revers results were
obtained under 0.004 for three hours. Moreover, ¡n Lincoln M, generation, the
predictable concentration was 0.002 sodium azide for three hours, that gave highly
significant vaLues (28.83, 198.93, and 410.63 (g)for number of pods, seeds per plant,
and yield of green pods, with an increase 114.35%, 103.65% and 8199%. 0004 of
sodium azide concentration causes reduction, 33.09%, 48.30% and 59.82%, for the
same characters, respectively.
The same trend of results was obtained in the second season (2004-2005)
for vegetative characters, yield and it's components.
3 Biochemical Studies:
Protein etectrophoretic studies, showed that low sodium azide concentrations
“0001 and 0.002" in the M,.s of either Master B or Lincoln were distinguished with the
highest protein band number and intensity and exceeded all the remaining treatments
‘ as well as their respective parents. The same results look like and near to that
obtained by hybridization methods. Moreover same concentrations 0.001 and 0.002M
L sodium azide gave the highest ncrease in protein content by 16.73% and 13.07% for
M1 of Master B and Lincoln, respectively.