Two field experiments were carried out in newly reclaimed land at El—
Nobaria, Northern Egypt during the two successive seasons of 20042 05 and
2005/2006 to study the response of artichoke plants (cv. Herious) lo 3 application
rates of both agriculture sulphur (O, 150 and 300 kg/feddan [4200 m2]) and nitrogen
(80, 100 and 120 kg/feddan). Whereas, as chicken manure contains 3.4% N was
used as nitrogen sourse Vegetative growth characters, head yield and its quality as
well as plant chemical composition were recorded The important obtained results
were as fCllO'.‘.'S'
oAddition of agriculture sulphur p to 302 kgi't'ed. resulted in the best growth
characters (plant height, leaves number/plant, leaf area, fresh and dry weight),
tote! chlorophyll content as well as head yield and its quality. But, the increase of
nutritional elements (N, P, K. Ca, and Fe) in leaves and edible part (receptacle) of
artichoke plants was not great enough to be significant,
With increasing the application rate of chicken manure within the range of 80 up to
120 kg N/fed,, all studied plant growth characters (plant height, leaves
number/plant, leaf area, leaf fresh and dry weight). total chlorophyll content and
head yield and its quality gradually and constant increased. While, no significant
variaton in nutritional elements (N, P, K, Ca, and Fe) values in leaves and edible
part (receptacle) was recorded.
There is no great effect of the interaction treatments between both sulphur and
chicken manure rates on plant growth, productiVity and head quality of artichoke
plants. but generally the highest values of most measurements were associated
with addition of the highest rate of both agriculture sulphur (300 kg/fed.) and
chicken manure (120 kg N/fed,).
It could be concluded that, from the economical view, the addition of both 150
kg/fed. of agriculture sulphur and 100 kg N/fed., as chicken manure is the most
useful and beneficial for growing artichoke plants under the condition of the