Six watermelon crosses and five parental genotypes were evaluated, ¡n the
Experimental Farm of El-Kassasien Horticulture Research Station during the seasons
of 2001-2003, to study the genetic behavior for morphological, yield and its quality and
to study the nature of general and specific combining ability for parental genotypes
and their hybrids, as well as, determine the correlation coefficient among the above
mentioned coefficient.
The results revealed that highly significant difference was found among the
genotypes for all studied morphological, yield and fruit coefficient. Variances due to
parents vs. hybrids were significant for all studied coefficient, indicating the expression
of substantial amount of heterotic effects. The estimates of variances due to specific
combining ability were positive and considerably higher in magnitude than the
variance of general combining ablity for all coefficient except days to flowering,
number of fruits/plant and fruit length. The parents that proved to be good general
combiners on the basis of their desirable (gca) affects for total yield/plant and fruit
characteristics were the introduced lines and Peacock Improved for yield and
Charleston Gray and Jubblee for fruit coefficient. The best specific cross
con nations, which exhibited significant desirable (sca) effects for total yield/plant,
were 3iza 1 X Peacock 1m proved and Giza 21 x Charleston Gray. Heritability estimates
in broad sense were found to be considerable high values for fruit yield/plant as well
as number of fruits/plant and fruit weight. The association analysis revealed that fruit
yield/plant was positively correlated with plant height, fruit number/plant, fruit weight
and total soluble solids. Negative correlation coefficients were observed between days
to flowering and number of fruits and fruits yield/plant.