Two field experiments were conducted during 2003! 2004 and 2004! 2005
seasons at the Agricultural Exprimental Station of the National Research Center at
Shalakan, Kalubia Governorate and seed technology unite, Mansoura, Egypt. The
objective of this investigation was to study the effect of some weed control
treatments(unweeded, two hand hoeing, Prometryn at 1.250Ufed, Metribuzin at 250
gifed, Bentazon at 0.750L/fed, Fluazifop-butyl at 1L {fed and Bentazon+Fluazifop-
butyl) on growth,yield,yield attributes and some seed technology of faba bean plants.
Fresh and dry weight of faba bean weeds were significantly decreased by
different weed control treatments as compared to the unweeded check. The most
effective treatments in decreasing fresh and dry weight of broad- leaved. Weeds
were: two hand hoeing, Bentazon, Bentazon + Fluazifop-butyl and prometryn. While,
Fluazifop-butyl, Metribuzin, Prometryn and Bentazon+ Fluazifop— butyl successively
were the most treatments in decreasing fresh and dry weight of grass weeds. Also,
the highest decrease in fresh and dry weight of total weeds were obtained by two
hand hoeing, followed by that of Bentazon+ fluazifop— butyl treatment.
Two hand hoeing, followed by Bentazon+ Fluazifop-butyl and prometryn
recorded the tallest plant height and produced the highest values of branches number
of plant, No.of leavesfplant, fresh weight of plant, dry weight of plant, weight of pods!
plant, pod length, No. of seed! pod, weight of seeds/ plant, too-seed weight and seed
yield ton! fed as well as protein “it: and carbohydrates percentage in faba bean seeds.
While, hand hoeing and Bentazon successively were the most treatments in
increasing root length and seedling dry weight. Also, the highest increasing in
germination speed were obtained by Metribuzin and two hand hoeing treatments.