Two experiments were designed at Etay El-Baroud Agricultural Research
Station during four successive seasons, from 20022003 to 200512006 seasons. The
crosses evaluated were i.e., Sakha 93 x Davon.2 and Giza 168 x Gemmeiza 9. Five
populations ( P1, P2 , F1, F2 and F3 ) were used in this concern.
Significant F2 mean values were obtained for all studied traits in both two crosses.
Then. van'ous biometrical parameters in this study could be estimated.
Significant positive heterotic effects towards better parents were detected in each of
100—kemel weight and grain yieldlplant in the two studied crosses and only for number
of kemelsi'spike in the first cross.
Over dominance towards highest parent was obtained for all studied traits in
both two crosses except for number of spikesi'plant in the first cross wherease partial
dominance was resulted. 0n the other hand, complete dominance towards the
highest parent value was shown for number of kernelsi'spike in the second cross.
Inbreeding depression estimates were found to be significantly positive in the first
cross for ; number of spikesiplant, number of kernelsi'spike and grain yieldiplant. The
same direction was obtained only in the second cross for 100-kernel weight.
Additive type of gene effect resulted that, it was significant positive in the second
cross for; number of spikesiplant, number of kernelsispike and grain yieldiplant.
Meantime, dominance gene effect showed that most of studied traits in both crosses
were significantly positive.
Heritability as a broad sense gave high value estimates and significant for all
studied traits in both two crosses while . heritability as a narrow sense showed the
same direction except for , number of Spikes 1 plant and number of kernels i spike in
the first cross whereas estimated low values .
Additive and additive X dominance type of gene action showed significant for 100-
kernel weight . 0n the other hand , dominance X dominance (e ) type of gene effect
had an important role in the inheritance of number of kernels i spike . Also , plant
breeder can depends on the expected values when make the selection that it were
approximately equal to the actual one .
The obtained results indicated that the selection for the studied traits may be
actually in the early generation but it may be more effective it past poned to late one .
Also . these study concluded that . it can be take in consideration the second cross (
Giza 163 X Gemmeiza 9 1 to improve the breeding program in the National Wheat
Research Program .