This work was carried out in Tissue Culture Laboratory in the Vegetable and
Floriculture Dept. Fac. of Agric.. Mansoura Univ. from 2002 to 2005 years to find out
an ideal method of propagation through tissue culture technique for Eucalyptus
gomphocephaia trees. In this concern. shoot tips (terminal part) and basal part (one
node from the base of the stem) each explant part was about 1 — 1.5 cm prepared
from E. gomphocephala trees. After sterilization, the expla nts were initiated on culture
medium i.e. Murashige and Skoog (MS) sUpplemented with 1.0 mglL BA (6-benzyl
adenine) and 0.1 mglL IBA (lndol-3-butyric acid) for establishment stage. The newly
formed shoots were transferred to the same medium supplemented with BA at the
concentration of (0. 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mglL) and with or without activated charcoal (2
glL) through proliferation stage to study the effect of the explant type, activated
charcoal and the plant growth regulators on proliferation of shoots and some
vegetative charcaters (shoot number and length and number of leaflets). Highest
number of formed shoots were regarded when culturing the basal explant part on MS
without activated charcoal, supplemented with 0.2 mglL BA. While. the tallest shoots
were resulted from culturing the shoot tip on MS media with 2 glL activated charcoal.
Microshoots were rooted in the same full and half strength media supplemented with
IBA at the concentration of (0. 0.5. 1. 2 and 4 mglL). Full strength MS medium
supplemented with 2 mglL IBA was superior and had the greatest for the rooting
growth measurements (mumber of rootslplantlet and average root length). At
acclimatization the plantlets were transplanted to (300 ml) plastic pots containing
autoclaved transplanting media (sand: peatmoss: vermiculite: perlite) mixed by
volume (1:1:1:1) and maintained in greenhouse for four weeks to investigate their
effect on survival % per plant during acclimatization stage on media mixed. Produced
the highest survival percentage of Eucalypts was 81.25% in case of using (1 : 1 :2:1) by
volume. respectively. After transfer of plantlets from in vitro cultures to the
greenhouse or field to study the effect of acclimatization time (48 h. 7. 14 and 30
days) on leaf structure, substantial changes in leaf morphology and anatomy are
observed. above all in epidermal characteristics. leaf thickness. differentiation of leaf
mesophylt. and chloroplast number and structure.