This study was carried out from June 2004 to June 2005 to study the
possibility of utilization of natural herbal medicinal plants (C.M.H.) instead of
chemical ones such as diclazuril to overcome the serious disease of coccidiosis in
chickens in Egypt . Experiment was conducted in parasite section, National Research
Centre , Giza - Egypt .
The effect of some mixed herbal products (C.M.H.) which contains mixed of
herbs of Artemisia annua 50 % , Fiaxseed 25 % and curcumin 25 % was studied for
controlling the avian coccidiosis mainly (Eimeria acervufina, E. maxima and Eteneila}
as compared with chemical medicine ( diclazuril ) .
Some primary treatments have been carried out as different structures which
mixed of some herbal plants to choose the best of them as superior natural herbal
structure to overcome serious coccidiosis diseases and weight gain in chickens in
Egypt. The best group of different structures mixed herbal products which one kg of
product composed of Artemisia annua 500 gm . flaxseed 250 gm and curcuma longa
250 gm comparing with remain other structures. This choosed group of mixed herbal
products used against coccidiosis in chickens in comparison between efficacy of this
natural product and chemical drug (diclazuril).
Six equal groups of chickens were used in this study , as follows:-
1- First and second groups of chickens were treated with (C.M.H.) 1 and 2 kg. I ton
of nutrition respectively from one day of life .
Third and fourth groups of chickens were treated with (C.M.H.) 3 Kg. I ton and
1 ppm of diclazuril , respectively. from first day of life until the end of experiment .
Last two groups of chickens 5 and 6 were left as positive and negative control .
At 14 days of life , the groups of chickens of 1 , 2 , 4 and 5 were infected by
50,000 sporulated oocystI bird .
Results of the experiment provided a promising results as followed :-
- No modalities were observed in chickens which treated by 2 Kg. I ton of (C.M.H.),
followed by 4% and 8% mortalities in treatments with 1 kg I ton of (C.M.H.) and 1
ppm of diclazuril , respectively .
- Significant protection against lesion score ( against coccidiai infection) was
observed by treatment with 2 and 1 kg I ton of (C.M.H.), respectively - comparing
with diclazuril at 1 ppm.
- Weight gain was reached 288.4 and 259 I g. in groups treated with 2 and 1 Kg of
(C.M.H.) respectively. when 1 ppm of diclazuril reached to 267.1 gm I average
weight gain aginst 227.3 g. in non — treated infected group.
- Flaching result was observed when 3 Kg I ton of (C.M.H.) was used in non —
infected chickens , while average of weight gain was reached to 314.2 9. against
254.9 g. in non — infected non — treated group .