Two field trials were carried out in 2004/2005 and 200512006 growing seasons
at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture. Sohag. South Valley
University. This work aimed to find out the effect of nitrogen levels (50. 75 and 100 kg
led.) and some weed control treatments formed of herbicidal treatment. hand
hoeing andlor their combinations (Hand hoeing twice. Fusilade Super. Select Super.
Fusilade super+ hand hoeing once. Select Super +Hand hoeing once and un-weeded)
on yield. yield components and quality of sugar beet (mulli-gerrn cultivar Kawmera) in
newly reclaimed lands.
The obtained results showed that root diameter. root fresh weight. leaves fresh
weight. root yield. top yield. sugar yield and T55. "/1: Increased significantly with
increase nitrogen levels. Also. increasing nitrogen level from 50 to 100 kgffed.
significantly increased the dry weight of weeds. while sucrose% and purity "/0 were
not affected by nitrogen levels.
All weed control treatments reduced the dry weight of narrow and broad Ieaved
weeds and dry weight of total weeds. whereas increased all above beet traits
compared with un—weeded. The best treatments for sugar beet yield and quality were
high level of nitrogen (100 kg (fed) and hand hoeing twice at 21 and 51 days after