This investigation was carried out during 2004 and 2005 growing seasons on
9 years old Sultani and Kadota fig trees grown in silty clay soil at the Horticultural
Station Orchard of Seds, Beni-Suef Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of two
pruning regimes (90 or 130 buditree) alone or with the application of Hydrogen
Cyanamide (dormex) or ethrel on bud burst (date and percentage), vegetative
growth, advancing the harvesting of breba and main crops as well as fruit yield and
quality of Sultani and Kadota fig trees. The data clearly showed that, retention of 180
budftree + ethrel at 1000 ppm gave the highest percentages of buds developed to
vegetative growth and increased the main yield. Pruning to 90 budltree + ethrel at
1000 ppm increased the main yield and fruit T.S.S and total sugars content as
compared with other treatments. This is true for two cultivars during both seasons.
Pruning to 90 budr‘tree + Spraying with (H2CN2) at 3% resulted in advancing bud burst
more than the other treatments. The average shoot length at 180 budltree + (H20N2)
at 3% was the longest one, while, 90 buditree produced the shortest shoots and
observed the least % of buds developed to vegetative growth. Moreover, 90 buditree
+ (HZCNz) at 3% exhibited the highest leaves numberishoot, advanced date of bud
burst and beginning the picking season, increased number of fruitsi' tree, yield (kg)
and fruit characteristics (length, diameter 8. weight). Whereas, pruning at 160 buditree
+ (HzCNz) at 3% showed the highest leaves numberishoot and advanced fruit picking
in both cultivars and seasons. As for both berba and main crops, generally, it can be
clearly noticed that, Kadota fig trees were earlier and had heavier crop than
Sultani.The obtained data also revealed that, pruning to 160 budftree treatment alone
advanced the beginning of picking season of the main crop by about 4 days as
compared with 90 budsftree treatments. On the other hand, pruning to 90 budltree
either alone or with the application of (H2CN2) at the lower concentration (1.5 %)
delayed both breba and main crops of Sultani and Kadota cultivars during 20058-2006
seasons. However, the least number of fruitsitree of both breba and main crops was
obtained from pruning to 180 budsftree treatment.