In recent years. it was noticed that yield and quality of Sids-40 garlic variety
was reduced as well as the number of cloves per bulb increased with a small clove
size, which makes rt undesirable for export -These experiments were carried out to
select some new garlic clones from Side-40 garlic variety under the local conditions
at the Horticultmal Research Farm of El—Baramoon, Dakahlia Governorata. Egypt
Several plants of Bids-40 variety (about 10000 plants) which had good quality
of bulbs, characterized by large bulb size. large clove size, regular shape and lower
number of cloves per bulb were selected and maintained over three years and nine
clones were established as new clones.
Comparative studies were carried out among these nine clones in addition to
the standard variety (Sids-40) during the two successive seasons of 20022003 and
20032004. The results indicated that the clones No. 10. 12 and 13 were the best
The three clones No. 10. 12 and 13 were planted with the standard variety
(Sids-40) in the two successive growing seasons of 20042005 31d 20059006 The
results illustrated that the clone number 10 surpassed the other selected clones
and also the standard variety in all the studied characters i.e. ptant height. leaves
number per plant. leaves dry weight. bulbing ratio. total yield. bulb weight. bulb
diameter. number of cloves per bulb and clove weight as well as the storability during
the 1" and 2"“I seasons of study.
Data indicated that the clone No 10 recorded increments of total yield reached
{13.6 — 13.74 %) compared with the standared variety ( Sids-40) during the last
seasons of 20042005 - 200512005. respectively.
Thus. this new promising garlic clone (No. 10) can replace of the common ones
for its high productivity and good quality .