The present investigation was carried out during 2003 and 2004 seasons
to study the morphological characteristics (tree dimensions as well as vegetative
characteristics of zig-zag branches, branchlets and leaves) and fruit quality (fruit
characteristics and fruit chemical constituents) of five jujube varieties namely: Li,
Lang, Toffahi, Zaytoni and Date growing at Horticulture Research institute, Giza
Governorate, Egypt.
Results clearly showed wide significant differences in all vegetative growth
characteristics of the studied jujube varieties. As for tree dimensions, Toffahi and
Zaytoni varieties recorded the highest values of tree height, top circumference and
trunk girth in both seasons. Concerning vegetative growth the zig-zag branches
considered the main part of the jujube tree. Also, average length of zig-zag branches,
number of nodes i branch and internodes length differ significantly according to
variety and season. in addition, branchlets do not form a part of the permanent of
jujube tree.
Moreover, Toffahi variety exhibited the maximum average number of
branchlets, whereas, Li and Date varieties appeared to be the minimum in this
concern. Leaf length, width and leaf area showed significant difference among the
five studied varieties. Jujube varieties varied significantly in fruit dimensions and fruit
lengthi‘width ratio in both seasons. Date variety recorded the highest values of fruit
length fwidth ratio (i.e. of elongate shape), meanwhile; Toffahi variety recorded the
lowest ones (i.e. fruit of about round shape). More over, Li and Lang varieties had the
heaviest average fruit and pulp weights. Also, fruits with the heaviest values have the
highest pulpfseed ratio and visa versa.
Slight differences were recorded in the average seed weight among such varieties.
This may be due to the presence of high percentage of undeveloped seed kernels in
the jujube varieties. As for chemical constituents, Date variety recorded the highest
values of dry matter %, total soluble solids % (TSS), ascorbic acid %, sugars, protein,
and carotenoids mgf100g. Whereas, the highest values of moisture %, total acidity%,
protein, av. pectin (mgf‘lODg) appeared in Toffahi variety. However, Lang variety
exhibited the highest polyphenols content, while, Date and Zaytoni varieties recorded
the lowest ones. Generally, Date and Toffahi varieties considered as a good source
of different chemical components.
From the above mentioned results, it may be concluded that Li, Lang and
Date varieties have good characteristics and can be recommended to grow under the
same conditions of this study.