in this investigation. three parental (Lines) and three varieties (testers) Three
lines are [ACVF imp. 55 (P1), Calace (P2) and Marglope (133)] and Testers are
[Floradade (P4). Castle Rock (P5) and Edkawy (Pan of tomato belonging to
lycopersicon esculentum Mill were used as parents. All parents were crossed among
them to obtain nine F1 hybrids through line x testers mating design. All six parents and
the nine F1 hybrids were evaluated at two locations. At Dakhlia and Esmailia
The results indicated the presence of significant variability among all evaluated
genotypes, parents and F1 hybrids. The results also revealed that the parent Edkawy
(P5) was the best parent for most studied traits at two locations and over all two
locations. While. the results also cleared that there were no specific F1 hybrids was
the best for all studied traits at locations or from the combined.
The results also reveald that all studied traits showed highly significance
values of heterosis versus the mid-parents. On the other hand, all studied traits
showed highly significant negative values (undesirable) of heterosis against the better
Concerning genetic parameters, the results illustrated that the additive genetic
variances were larger than those the non-additive genetic variances including
dominance for most studied traits. Similarly, highly estimates of heritability in broad
sense were observed, although heritability in broad sense were larger than their
corresponding heritability values in narrow sense. Thus, the genetic materials used in
this investigation could be improve through selection progame.