This work was executed during the two growing seasons of 2004 & 2005 on
eight olive "Olea europaea L." cultivars: Manzanillo, Coratina, Koroneiki, Chemlali,
Wardan, Picual, Dolce, and Arbiquine. Trees were grown at Ali Mubarak farm in South
Tahrir region Research Station. The objectives of this study to evaluate these
cultivars were among 46 cultivars collection in this region. These trees were planted
in sandy soil besides, it received the annual fertilizers program and irrigated with
Nile water using drip irrigation system. Concerning the tree characteristics, Chemlali
and Koroneiki cvs. surpassed other cultivars in plant height and trunk circumference.
On the other hand, Dolce and Wardan cvs. were the least in plant height and canopy
of the tree. Meantime, Coratina cv. trees achieved the highest values of canopy
circumference, shoot length and shoot diameter. The reverse was true for Wardan
and Picual cvs.. Whereas, Coratina and Picual cvs. exhibited the highest
assimilation area. Arbiquine cv. gave the highest number of internodes and number
of leaves/shoot and Wardan cv. gave the highest least leaf area . However,
Hanzanillo cv. exhibited the least leaf area and both Manzanillio and Wardan cvs.
gave the least number of internodes. As relating to full blooming, Chemlali cv. Was
the earlier, but Koroneiki cv. was the latest one. Chemlali and Koroneiki cvs. has the
highest significant number of inflorescence/shoot and sex expression percentage.
Dolce cv. exhibited the longest fruit and seed besides, wardan and picual cvs. showed
the highest fruit diameter. As for seed diameter, Manzanillo cv. surpassed other
cultviars. in this character. Reversly, Arbiquine cv. seed was the shortest in length and
Chemlali cv. was the least in width. Manzanillo cv. was the highest fruit weight while,
Wrdan cv. was the highest flesh/seed ratio. The same cultivar and Picual cv. showed
the highest flesh weight in 2004&205, respectively. Arbiquini and Chemlali cvs. gave
the highest fruit set percentage, while Manzanillo cv. exhibited the least one. The
highest oil percentage were in picual and Aarbiquine cvs., however Chemlali cv. was
the least in oil percentage. Dolce and Picual cvs. surpassed other cultivars in yield.
On the contrary, Chemlali and Aarbiquine cvs. were the least in yield. Eventualy, we
can recommend planting Dolce, Picual and Aribquine cvs. under The Region of
South Tahreer for table, double purpose and oil consumption, respectively. In
addition, studying on the rest of the cultivars low in production has to be carried.