Two field experiments were carried out at Shark EL-Owinat region south west
Egypt (dry-temperate conditions) during two growing seasons (20022003 and
2003l2004) to study the response of some sugar peas cultivars. i.e. Snow wind. Sugar
peart and Sugar gem to various sowing dates (Oct. 10‘". Oct. 255. Nov. 103. Nov. 25
and Dec. 103-") on growth and green pods yield as well as pods quality.
Results indicated that. the vegetative growth and dry weight of tested sugar
peas plants were cleany affected by sowing dates. The highest values of plant growth
and dry weight as well as pods yield and its quality were recorded on Nov. 10:: sowin
date. On other hand, the lowest values of plant growth were recorded on Oct. 1
sowing date but the lowest values of pods yield were recorded on Dec. 10m sowing
Cv. Snow wind recorded higher values of plant growth and green pods yield
well as pods quality. But the lowest values for pods yield were given by cv. Sugar gem
The interaction between the factors of study recorded significant differences
most growth characters and pods yield. cv. Snow wind recorded higher values for
growth parameters and pods yield under the conditions of Nov. 10 sowing date.
the lowest values of pods yield were given by cv. Sugar gem grown on Dec. 1012 .
Electrophoretic studies showed that not only cv. Snow wind given the highest
specific bands number with highely molecular weight and dark stained bands. but also
had the highest pods yield.