This study was carried out during 2001 and 2002 seasons on 8 - years old
Valencia orange trees budded on Volkamer lemon and Sour orange rootstocks to
evaluate vegetative and root growth, Yield, Fruit quality. leaf and root mineral contents
and ability of both rootstocks to tolerate salinity as well as ability to transport some
heavy metals.
The obtained results showed that, Volkamer lemon rootstocks enhanced tree
size, tree height, shoot length, number of leaves per shoot, trunk cross-sectional area
“TCSAcmh and leaf area than those on Sour orange rootstock.
Also trees on Volkamer lemon rootstock produced the highest values of root
growth i.e. root length, root density and root dry weight at different depths (30. 60 and
90cm} and distances (50. 100 and 150cm) from tree trunk comparing with those on
Sour orange rootstock and both seedling stocks.
Valencia orange trees on Volkamer lemon rootstock had lower Na and Cl
ions in their leaves and roots and higher levels of proline, carbohydrate and
chlorophyll ab and its total value than those recorded for leaves on Sour orange
Fruit set was higher on Volkamer lemon than of that on Sour orange
rootstock. meanwhile fruit drop was higher in May. June, July than on Sour orange
Valencia orange on Volkamer lemon maximized fruit yield with higher values
of fruit length, diameter, volume, weight and juice volume, T.S.S, Acidity, T.S.Siacid
ratio and vitamin C than those on Sour orange rootstock.
Valencia Leaf N, P, K. Ca. Mg. Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu contents were higher on
Volkamer lemon rootstock. 0n the contrary leaf Na and Cl values were higher on Sour
orange comparing with those of Volkamer lemon rootstock.
Beside, root N, P. K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu contents were higher on Volkamer
lemon rootstock. but root Ca, Mg, Na and Cl values were only higher on Sour orange
rootstock comparing with Volkamer lemon roots.
Valencia orange trees on Sour orange rootstock had higher Pb. Cd, Se. Ni
and Cr, in their leaves, roots, fruit peel and fruit juice than those on Volkamer lemon
rootstock. Therefore. Volkamer lemon as rootstock for Valencia orange seemed to be
a good substitute comparing with Sour orange rootstock under the conditions of this