The present investigation was carried out to study the anatomical and yield
characters of five fibrous fiax genotypes, i. e. Escalina, Ilona, strain 109/2. strain 110
and strain 113 during 2004412005 and 20059006 seasons at Sakha Agricultural
Research Station. Analysis of two seasons results showed significant differences
among the five flax genotypes in all characters under study. Flax strain 110/1 gave the
highest value for technical stem length, number of capsules/plant, number of
seedsiplant, seed yield/plant and per fed., fiber length and fiber strength. Whereas. the
strain 1091‘2 gave the highest values for straw. and fiber yield per fed. The imported
Escalina gave the highest values of upper branching zone length. straw yield/plant
fiber yieldiplant, total fiber percentage and fiber fineness.
Measurement of transverse sections of stem, leaf and root of fiax genotypes
under study was carried out at blooming stage. Data recorded that, the highest values
of phloem fiber layer thickness and phloem fiber diameter were found in stem of
strains 110/1 and 113. All studied flax genotypes produced a value of xylem tissue
higher than phloem tissue. The highest values of xylem and phloem tissue were
recorded in strain 113, Concerning root parameters, the highest value of root diameter
was recorded in strain 110l1, while the lowest value was found in the imported
Escalina genotype. Anatomical studies of leaf of the studied fiax genotypes indicated
that, the highest thickness values of lamina. palisade and spongy tissues were
recorded in strain 113. Also. the highest values of length and width of mean vascular
bundle were recorded in strain 113.