Nineteen selected 85 white maize lines derived from the wide genetic base
population Tepalicinco (Tep#5). from SIMMYT, were topcrossed to each of two
commercial inbred testers, i.e. so 7 and Grn 22 in 2003 summer season. The
resultant 38 testcrosses Were evaluated in 2004 growing season at Gemmeiza and
Mallawy Agricultural Research Stations. for grain yield and its components as well as
days to 50% silking. Results obtained revealed that the additive component of gene
action had the major role in the inheritance of the most studied traits compared with
the non-additive ones. Highly significant differences were detected among the tested
lines and their testers. as well as. the interaction between them. The tested lines L-1
L-5. L-8, L-9, L44. L-1? and L-19 manifested the best general combining ability
(GOA) effects based on the combined analysis. Parental lines L-1. L-2. and L-18 and
their testcrosses were earlier than the check hybrids SC 10 and SC 124. Moreover
single crosses of L-1 and L-2 with so 7 significantly outyielded the commercial check
hybrid SC 124. Meanwhile. the inbred tester Sd T crossed to the tested lines L-3. L-4
L-5. L-B, L-9. L-13, L-14. L-17 and L-19 produced the best single crosses which
significantly outyielded the check hybrid SC 124 with an average increase from 3.4 to
8.0 ard/fad. Furthermore, the most outstanding crosses. i.e. L-B x Sd 7, L-14 x Sd 7
L-19 x so 7. and L-1 x Sd 7 (37.2. 36.5. 36.3 and 35.9 ardlfad. respectively
outyielded the best commercial check hybrid SC 10 (35.4 ardlfad) by 1.8, 1.1 , 0.9 and
0.5 ardlfad, respectively.