The Identification of standard physiologic races and pathotypes of wheat
leaf rust fungus during 200402005 growing season showed the presence of 10
standard physiologic races of Puccini tn‘rfcine Eriks. These races comprised 18
pathotypes. The more frequent races was No. 209 (30%), followed by race 188 and
race 210 for each (15%). The least races were is. race 57, 184, 108, 140, 18? and
201 each of one represented by (5%). The rest race was No. 58 represented by 10%.
Pathotype PSTT was the most frequent. Furthermore, the most effective leaf rust
resistance genes were is Lr35 (100%), Lr3? (100%), 39 (95%), 45 (90%), 38(85%)
and 2a (80%). On the other hand, the highest virulence were recorded with Lr10, 21,
13, 22a, 22 b, 44, 48 and B each of represented by (100%). Leaf rust resistance
gene(s) probably in 13 wheat cultivars matching 31 leaf rust monogenic lines against
20 pathotypes, showed probable the presence of e4 a in Giza164; Lr's 9 and 18 in
Sidsl1; Lr's 9, 18, 26, 14a, 19 and 32 in Sakha‘94; Lr's 3, 9, 18, 11, 28 and 32 in
623170. The cultivar Gemmeiza9 postulated have 13 genes, Gemmeiza10 probable
have 11 genes and Gemmeiza? postulated have 9 genes. On the other hand, the
rest of cultivars, postulated lack their genes. These results will remain an integral
part of resistance breeding program and studies concerning the epidemiology and
evolution of virulence in the leaf rust pathogen populations.