Three field experiments were carried out in the Experimental Station of Desert
Research Center at Maruyt, Western Delta during 2001, 2002 and 2003 winter
seasons, to study the response of two wheat cultivars for three levels of compost
soil organic manure and three sUpplemental irrigation treatments under rainfed
conditions, and its relation'to wheat leaf spot blotch disease incidence caused
Blopoluvfs sovokinfana (syn. Helminthosporum sativum) presented under these
Wheat variety Giza-155 was superior than Sakha-B in most of the studied
growth characters i.e (plant heightfcm, number of tillersfplant, peduncle lengthicm
number of leaves per plant, plant fresh & dry weightsig, days to heading), chemical
compositions i.e. (freeiproline U molelg, bound water, total pigmentsISPDA and total
chlorophyll (.1 mole m' ) and days to maturity. While Sakha-B surpassed the other
wheat variety in (flag leaf arealcm2 and % of total and free water content). While
significant differences between the tw0 varieties in yield and its components
i.e.(biological, grain and straw yields tonlfed, no of spikes imi, spike length! cm, no
spikelets and grains! spike and 1000 grain weight lg).
Applying (one supplementary irrigation at heading stage + rainfed) increased
significantly all studied growth characters, % total and free water, total
pigmentsISPDA, total chlorophyll I pmole m'z, grain yield tonffed, spike lengthicm, no
of spike-lets, no ofgrains per spike, no of Spikes fmz, 1000 grain weight lg, and days
maturity more than added (one irrigation at sowing + rainfed) or under rainfed only
Only free proline U molefg, and bound water % were increased significantly under
rainfed irrigation. Biological and straw yields tonlfed were increased significantly
applying (one supplemental irrigation at sowing date + rainfed).
Adding compost as a soil amendment increased significantly wheat growth
characters, chemical compositions and yield and its attributes compared with the
control treatment (0 malfed). Increasing the amounts added of compost to the
experimental soil had significant positive effects on encouraging the studied growth
characters, chemical compositions, yield and its attributes and days to maturity, while
free proline U molelg and % of bound water contents didn't show any significant
response to increase compost amounts added to the experimental soil-
All first and second order interactlons between treatments increased
significantly every studied growth characters, chemical composition, yield and its
attributes except peduncle length! cm, no. Ieaveslplant and free proline which didn
respond significantly under the interaction between irrigation and compost treatments
Leaf spot blotch disease which recorded as a barley disease in Egypt, infected
wheat under the experimental conditions in a light degree. All treatments effected
positively in reducing disease incidence.