Three field experiments were carried out at Desert Research Center,
Experimental Station of Maryout in the North Western Coastal Zone of Egypt during
200012001, 200112002 and 200212003 winter growing seasons, respectively to study
the effect of (Burkhofderfa) B. cepacia, gibbereIlins (6A3, 200 ppm) compost at the
rate 25 kg/fed (accompanied with or without sulphur at the rate 200 kgifed), and their
interactions on broad bean (Vicie faba L. var. Giza 776). Growth characters i.e.{plant
heighticm, fresh and dry weights fg of shoots and roots, leaf area fcmz}, chemical
compositions Le. {endogenous gibberellins as (6A3) and cytokinines, total pigments
,totai chlorophyll (a+b) as p mole m '2}and yield and its components{biological and
seed yield tonffed, No. of branches! plant, No. of pods! plant and 100 seed weightfg}
were studied
B, cepacia as bio-agent showed highly positive significant effects on broad
bean growth characters, chemical compositions, yield and its attributes comparing
with the control treatment.
Gibberellins (6A3) as a seed soaking treatment increased significantly all
studied growth characters, chemical compositions. and yield attributes of faba been
compared with the untreated seeds.
App-lied compost to the experimental soil as soil amendment improved
significantly all studied characters including plant growth, chemical composition and
yield attributes. Compost with sulphur had greater positive effects on all studied
characters as well as reducing the probability of soil borne infection rather than
compost unaccompanied.
First and second order interactions between B. cepacr'a, gibberellins and
compost treatments showed highly significant positive effects on plant growth,
chemical composition, and yield and its attributes. The interaction between B.
cepacia, gibbereilins and compost accompanied with sulphur surpassed that of the
other treatments on faba bean growth and its productivity under Maryut conditions.