Morphology and grain features of eleven species belong to six genera of
amiIy Poaceae namely: Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv., Setaria pumila (Poiret) Roemer et
Schultes, Panicum turgidum Forssk, Panicurn coloratum L., Echinoch!oa colonum (L.)
..jnk., Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P.Beauv., Cenchrus ciIiaris L., Cenchrus echinatus
Vahi., Brachiana reptans (L.) Gardner et Hubb., Brachiaria erucifomis (Sibth & Sm.)
Gnseb. and Paspalidium gemiria turn (Forssk.) Stapf were studied.
The objective of this investigation was to distinguish the relationship among
the studied species (OTUs Operational Taxonomic Unit) by using their
iorphological characters and the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of their grain
surfaces. Single Linkage Clustering analysis technique was carried out to analyze
these features. .
From the morphological results, it could be recognized that the species of
genus Panicum (P. turgidum and P. coloratum) were more close, firstly, to each
Dther then to S. pumila. Also, the species represent genus Echinochloa (E. colonum
and E. crus gaul) were close, firstly to S. viridis, then to the cluster included species
of Panicum and Setaria. The only surprising result was with the species represent
genus Cenchrus; where C.echinatus joined with Panicum cluster, while C. ciIiaris
‘inked with the cluster included species of genus Brachiaria and Paspa!idium
gemma turn.
Grain surface sculptures appearance and shape are considered the most
diagnostic taxonomic characters to differentiate among the studied species. There
are eleven features of the grain surface sculptures were observed by using SEM. The
numerical technique analysis showed that, on the highest taxonomic similarity level
1.14, the studied species divided into two major clusters; one included species of
Brachiaria, Cenchrus and Paspilidium and the other contained two clusters; one
with species of genus Panicum, C. echinatus and S. pumila. The other with species
of genus Echinochoa and S.virdis. Key using morphological and grain surface
features was proposed.