Two field trials were conducted at Sids Experimental Research Station, Beni
.ef Governorate during 2003 and 2004 seasons, to study the effect of ¡ntercropping
‘tean, cowpea and guar (cluster bean) with maize on its yield and yield
-‘ponents. The ¡ntercropping systems were loo % maize + 25 % legume crop (by
;-iing legume crops on one maize ridge and leaving one maize ridge without
.cropping), 100 % maize + 25 % legume crop (by growing legume crops on the
:-- side of two maize ridges and leaving two maize ridges without intercropping),
:c maize + 12.5 % legume crop (by growing legume crops on one maize ridges
-c eaving three maize ridges without intercropping) and 100 % maize + 37.5 %
;—e crop (by growing legume crops on three maize ridges and leaving one maize
wfthout intercropping). A split plot design was used in three replications,
results could be summarized as follow:
ant height, ear height, number of grains/ row, ear and grains weight] plant, and
of 100- grain were significantly affected by different legume crops
.- rcropped with maize. On the other hand, grains yield! Fed. was insignificant.
‘a were collected with soybean, cowpea or guar were not significant.
Zalt height, ear height, ear weight) plant, grains weight! plant and weight of 100
-an were significantly affected by intercropping systems. Whereas, grains yield!
was not significantly affected by ¡ntercropping patterns.
-e"action effect significantly affected on ear weight] plant, grain weight] plant,
-: v.reight of 100 grain. The heighest values were recorded by intercropping
E srn of 100 % maize + 12.5 % soybean, while the lowest values were recorded
:. 3O % maize + 37.5 % guar.
Plant height, number of fruiting branches, number of pods, weight of pods
: yield! plant, weight of 100- seed and seeds yield! fed. were significantly
y intercropping systems. lntercropping system of 100 % maize + 37.5 %
;ave the highest values, whereas the lowest values were recorded by 100 %
‘2 5 % soybean.
and guar:
pant height, number of branches! plant, leafe area and total fresh ‘ield/ fed
tly affected by intercropping systems. lntercropping system of 100 %
5 % cowpea or guar gave the highest values, whereas the lowest values
by 100 % maize + 12.5 % cowpea or guar.
..d Equivalent Ratio (LER) and Relative Crowding Coeffecient (K) were
ntgher at the ratio of 100 % maize + 37.5 % soybean and cowpea or guar.
between maize plants and intercropped crops indicated that maize
:ed crop, whereas legume crops were the dominat. Net return was
tercropping system of 100 % maize + 37.5 % soybean was 602.14 L.E.,
r gain profitable from intercropping cowpea or guar with maize.