Three advanced generation genotypes released from the Egyptian Sorghum
Breeding Program were used for crossing with seven cytoplasmic male sterile tines I
n order to involve the adapted restorer gene in our released grain sorghum hybrids.
The twenty-one crosses and their parents were evaluated in a randomized complete
block design at two locations, Shandwell Agric. Res. Farm and Assiut Agric. Res.
Farm, in 2002 season. The genetic parameters were estimated by using line x tester
The obtained data at the both locations revealed that crosses had highly
significant differences among all studied traits. AU the crosses were earlier at Assiut
than at Shandwell. For grain yield at Shandwell, eight crosses had higher grain yield
than the check (Shandweet-6) one of them (ICSA-89003 x Ad.1 ) (120.69 g/plant) was
significantly higher than the check (95.13 g/plant) white, non of the crosses yielded
more than the check at Assiut, that may be due to Assiut farm is coarse sandy soil
and that is clear in the heterosis which was high at Assiut compare with the heterosiS
at Shandwell and that due to the lines were unable to yield under the harsh
environments at Assiut as crosses did. For general combining ability (GCA) of grain
yield, the restorer line Ad.1 had positive and highly significant GCA effect at
Shandwell (loamy-soil), while, Ad.2 had the same trend at Assiut that means the
genotype Ad.2 more adapted for the coarse sandy soil. For specific combining ability
(SCA) of grain yield at Shandwell, ten crosses had positive and significantly SCA
affect while, at Assiut, seven crosses had positive and significantly SCA effect. The
cross (ICSA-89003 x Ad.1) at Shandwell, which was yielded significantly more than
the check, can be tested in a large SCAle before using it as a commercial hybrid in
clay and loamy soil.